Tuesday, April 11, 2017

And so It begins Again!

Another riding season is upon us Midwesterners, I know you warm weather states don't understand that but that's okay. We end up carving out a schedule of things we want to do on two wheels and cram as much as we can get in, right?!?!?  Adding heated jacket liners and glove liners extend things but you can't ride on ice and snow. BUT look out when we bust loose.

Motorcycle riders do some many good things on those two wheels too. Try and think of any event involving motorcycles that some nonprofit organization doesn't benefit. I heard a online broadcast talking about this very subject and the question of fund raising was posed asking is it excessive, because EVERY event you go to someone is fund raising. Being guilty of this very thing my answer to that is NEVER. You can't out give GOD and if you are giving with the right heart You will be blessed.  And no one is asked for much but collectively a little becomes a lot. We have our passions for Our Country and those who served, we have passion for the sick, we have passion for children, we have passion for our four legged friends, we gather around one of our own in need and support them through whatever it is they are going through. I don't see anything excessive about that.

Unfortunately the ones who ruin our desire to give are the ones who don't do what they say they are going to do with the funds. We need to be educated about what we are supporting but not so cautious we don't trust anyone. Ask questions, read the information if available and a lot of them will even give something to donate on line after you have looked things over. We never know when we might be in those shoes that either we are the one asking because we are passionate about it or we are the one in need, God forbid!

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